
Adding Home Older Newer Post Buttons in new Blogger templates such as Contempo

Requirement: Add Home, Older, Newer Post Buttons in new Blogger templates such as Contempo. Solution: Hi for this jump to Blog widget in HTML editor of your template and find and replace code in includables with respective id's with the ones given below also change the order of buttons as shown below in postPagination includable as per your needs. Code given below shows button in this order   Older Posts Home Newer Posts Demo: Can be seen by clicking here and scrolling to end of page. Screenshot: Note: First page will display only Older posts button as there is nothing to go back when we are on landing or home page and the last page will display Previous posts button and the Home button as there is nothing left to go forward. Displays buttons in order provided here in frontend ,ID to search postPagination: <b:includable id='postPagination'> <div class='blog-pager container' id='blog-pager'> <b:include cond='data:new...

Converting blogger HTML tables into Smart Responsive tables using CSS

Requirement: Make all HTML Tables in Blogspot responsive ,pretty & a bit smarter. How: Its 2 step process. Add CSS for styling to template Modify your Table Structure accordingly. Here is the  link   of the post having table with formatting provided below to see things in action, try changing size of browser to see how it adapts to various screen sizes. Here are some screenshots as well: On Desktop:  On Mobile/Tablets/Phones: Steps: 1: Add the following CSS code in template from HTML editor: <style> table { border: 1px solid #ccc; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; table-layout: fixed; } table caption { font-size: 1.5em; margin: .5em 0 .75em; } table tr { background-color: white; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: .35em; } table th, table td { padding: .625em; text-align: center; } table th { font-size: .85em; letter-spacing: .1em; text-transform: uppercase; backgroun...

Essential Trace Flags to enable at SQL Server Services startup

 List of trace flags to enable on SQL server service startup: Server Name Trace Flag Status Global Session PRD-MSSQL01C 1222 1 1 0 PRD-MSSQL01C 1224 1 1 0 PRD-MSSQL01C 4136 1 1 0 Reason:  4136  will help in preventing parameter sniffing on sql server and in turn will result in query optimizer to create optimized plans for same queries having different parameters which will result in better performance.  Note: Please ensure that you thoroughly test this option, before rolling it into a production environment. Scope: Global or session 1224 d isables lock escalation based on the number of locks. However, memory pressure can still activate lock escalation. This helps avoid "out-of-locks" errors when many locks are being used. Scope:  Global or session 1222 helps in detecting deadlocks r eturns the resources and types of locks that are participating in a deadlock and also the current command affected, in an XML format that does not comply with any X...

Checklist: Before applying for adsense

Before applying for adsense below things has to be taken care of Remove reference to all other old sites and turn of profile about widgets Create a email Create a google analytics account link it to your site Create a menu structure Fill ALT and Description tags for all posts and images No follow external links Place menu optimally and check its working fine and visible in all screen sizes See available adsence widgets still has proper visibility after template modifications Correct all grammatical mistakes Create About, Contact and Privacy pages Create few more Posts Work on SEO a bit for few days Add links to Youtube channel

Solution: More Posts & Posts Links not working with Adsense Anchor ads on Touch screen mobiles in blogger

Problem Statement: Whenever anchor ads are loading in mobile More Posts link is becoming dead and also other links such as Title of posts in feed along with the Keep Reading link is becoming unresponsive to touch and thus users are unable to browse site properly. So coming straight to solution: I have seen this happening only when something is having z-index more than the other elements on the page in this case when anchor ads were loading it seems like the z-index for the anchor ads was overriding the z-index of page elements itself leaving them unresponsive to touch though they are working completely fine on clicks over computer system ,so to fix this I added a small piece of CSS style="z-index:1000!important;"  to the element or More Posts link so that in the page DOM layer it comes just at place where both Anchor ads and More Posts remains clickable without clashing with each other. Please find the screenshots below for your reference to find where the changes ...

Fixed: Wordpress Visual Post editor not working issue

Hi everyone as always I will cut the crap and come straight to point. I got the task to fix a site and for that I created a new user from backend using phpmyadmin using the following command as the owner of site had forgotten the password for wp-admin: INSERT INTO `wpdatabasename`.`wp_users` (`ID`, `user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`, `user_url`, `user_registered`, `user_activation_key`, `user_status`, `display_name`) VALUES ('2', 'Shivam', MD5('demopass'), 'Shivam', '', '', '2019-05-16 00:00:00', '', '0', 'Shivam'); INSERT INTO `wpdatabasename`.`wp_usermeta` (`umeta_id`, `user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (NULL, '2', 'wp_capabilities', 'a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}'); INSERT INTO `wpdatabasename`.`wp_usermeta` (`umeta_id`, `user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (NULL, '2'...

Powershell script to automatically send HTML emails using gmail smtp

Hi please find the script/code below which can be used (as a example  use case) for sending automated reminders for filling time-sheets  to all employees on every Friday(can be any day depending on when you schedule it to run using windows task scheduler as per your requirements) using gmail gsuite or any other email providers: Things Required: SMTP outgoing port(587) allowed through firewalls No-reply email which will be used for sending emails Application password (as gmail blocks sending emails from scripts if direct credentials(username & normal password) are used and sends warning alerts and notifications to owner and eventually blocks the account if not rectified thus application password needs to be created and used to prevent that from happening,steps for creating same are given below) Server which runs 24x7 where we will place and schedule our scripts to run at specific time.(You can use your local PC systems and execute script manually by double clicking ...